
I feel crazy, and awful, and I sort of want to cry. My husband was wonderful today. He set an alarm, cleaned up the house, and we were just hanging out. 
    A few days ago, we noticed a wet spot on the floor that had refused to dry. When he went to grab some shoes out of the closet tonight, his side was soaked. The good news is: it's probably not our water heater. Bad news: he just had to leave for work, so we didn't have time to fix it. My dad is coming, and I asked if we could move the washer because the floor is getting softer where the leak has been. My husband totally ignored me, and we had plenty of time to move it. Then, he asked why I was acting mad, so I told him. 
     Now, he left for work, and he did kiss me goodbye, but it felt super forced. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, I just don't want to make a problem worse by leaving a heavy object on a water-damaged area, and I am not supposed to move it right now. I'm just so frustrated.