My c section was scheduled for feb17th and last night I had woke up in a pool of blood. I wasn't feeling very well .. Cramping, kept gagging and feeling acid in my throat, exhausted, feet swelling , just everything was not right!!! I called my husband at work, told him how I felt and he assured me that everything was ok and he'd be home soon. I went back to sleep, @1am I woke up feeling like I peeped my bed: I Flicked the light on and touched below to literally have a blood filled hand. As I ran to the bathroom I had a trail of very dark, heavy blood. I called 911 and they flew my into my city's hospital. My mind was upside down and I hadn't felt him kick for quite some time. I kept begging him to move - give me a sign and just talking to him, nothing . They did an ultrasound and he finally kicked!! I had another bug hush and my water broke, this time contractions started and I was in so much pain. They rushed me into surgery and got my son out. He's here. He's doing good! He's alive and beautiful. I am Inlove w him . I guess my placenta detached from the wall lining and positioned itself under Marcus's head in the canal. He was delivered this morning @ 7:25a 8lbs11oz. 20"long Marcus James is here, after quite some scary times he's alright!