No sex

Been married 8months. Husband admitted to having a problem with porn he said he just watches it not even to get off just to watch it. I have to constantly beg for sex. He said he was stopping and then stopped having sex with me for a week Then I get home from work and he shows me that he has a tiny rash which was obviously from jacking off without enough lube. So he's been jacking off but refusing to have sex with me! What am I supposed to do?! I want sex really bad I have a higher level of testorarone from PCOS so I want it a lot more.. I just am at a crossroad! I've talked to him about it and he says it's ridiculous that I'm mad because I'd sex. But last time we had sex I made sure to give him a bk and he didn't touch me or go down on me he just had sex and came and that was that. Didn't even make me cum. Someone please give me advice!