Please read if you're struggling with breastfeeding...

My gorgeous son is 25 weeks old this week. I found the first 12 weeks of breastfeeding so difficult. We had thrush, latching issues, had to use shields for a while, he had awful colic and reflux, I've been unable to pump, the list just went on. I've now sailed past the 24 week target that I set myself and I barely noticed. 
At this point, feeding my son just comes so naturally and is totally pain and hassle free. I never, ever believed I would get to this point. I've now decided to continue until at least the year mark. At one point I was counting down the days until 24 weeks!! 
I believe that happy mommas raise happy babies, so if you need to switch to formula you do what you need to do. What is best for you is best for baby. However, I'm so glad I held in there. Please believe that if you keep going it will all come good at some point. It's a hard journey but it is oh so worth it xx