Emotional Rollercoaster


Thought id share in case anyone els is going thru something similar!

This Tuesday(@10w4d), I went for blood work. I received an email on Thursday(10w6d)saying my results were in..so I logged in to check them out. My midwife has been unhappy with my HcG & Progesterone levels to date. My results showed a drop in both. I was immediately heartbroken(as I had a MC last May). Called my midwives right away, and requested to speak with a midwife to discuss my results, as I was concerned, (Massive understatement) they promised a call back asap. Didn't happen. I cried pretty much all day. This morning (11w), I get the call from my MW...she wasn't aware that the results had already been entered for me to see...she apologized profusely. Apparently around the 8-10 week area, the placenta takes over production of these hormones, so it's normal to see a dip, until the placenta fully kicks in...I asked if I could come in for a quick heartbeat check, and they were so awesome about it. Soooo ridiculously happy to have heard my baby's heartbeat going @ 160bpm!!! I cried. Apparently I'm a sap! Lol. Also very drained from the Emotional Rollercoaster I've been on for the last 24 hours!