
Sarah • 3 pregnancy loses. 4 failed IUIs, IVF with 1 failed frozen transfer and finally have our healthy boy!! Momma of a 3 year old, angel twins 10/19, and successful fresh IVF is giving us boy two in November!
Hi ladies. Thursday I found out that the baby never developed. Just a sac measuring 5 weeks but I should be 8 from my LMP. I have to go in Tuesday and if I haven't started naturally they will give me misoprostol to begin the miscarriage. I'm terrified of what to expect with it but I don't want to wait until my body does it on its own. I know a couple of people who's babies stopped developing around 8 weeks and didn't find out until 12 weeks and never miscarried and I guess I'm just worried about my body taking so long. I want to get it over with so we can move forward. I don't want to wait to try again but I am not sure what my  dr will tell us to do. I also needed Clomid to get pregnant this time and am afraid my body won't do what it's supposed to. This all just sucks so badly.