Cybex Priam alternatives?

I love everything about this stroller other than the price. Anyone know any cheaper alternatives or knock off versions? It has everything I was saying I wanted in a stroller before I even saw it. It's sleek and modern with a vintage twist and doesn't have any bulky extras. I live in the city and the handle was so smooth. My mom and I pushed it around the store and we both loved it, she has s 5 year old so she has recent experience with strollers. I love that I can fold up the base and put it on my shoulder if I need to go down the stairs, that's a must. I tried another stroller that folds up and there's a little handle and it was just much too heavy for me, it was the lightest stroller in the store. Any ideas or suggestions? I want like the moderate version of this stroller, so around 600$ for everything  
I've been googling and came across the urbo2 by mamas and papas. I plan to go over to babies r u when it's not so cold. Does anyone know how the 2 compare?