Just venting I guess. I HATE VALENTINES DAY

I didn't complain all day when he barely told me Happy Valentines Day. When he chose to sleep until 4:30 in the afternoon knowing that he had promised to look at my car to see if he could fix it. I bit my tongue because I wanted to have a decent VDay for once. I don't need to flowers, the date nights or any of that crap even though it would have been nice to feel a little bit of attention for once. But I didn't complain. I just smiled, pretended it was cool and when it was time to go to sleep just slipped away to let the ever so normal day finish. I considered it a win because this was the first time in years that I didn't spend the night crying. I put or three kids to bed, took my cranky pregnant ass to bed and that was it. But to wake up to the vigorous movement of the bed as my husband, laying right next to jerks off and watches a porn with the volume as high as he can on his headphones just ignores me. That, I can't handle. I don't know when the last time that he made me feel wanted is, but it has been years. He doesn't make love to me and that was all fun when I was young but now it's just gotten old. He has just made me feel like the most unwanted woman on the face of the earth and damn it does it hurt.  So much for a decent day.