Just need to rant...

So my so and I have been together for 8 months.. We just found out that I am pregnant.. And are very excited.. Problem is he aggravates me so bad.. He loves to play his xbox games and some games like boom beach on his phone.. That would be all fine and dandy except he cusses when he dies and he gets so mad his face can literally turn red... I guess because I am not addicted to games I don't understand... But it is seriously affecting the way I feel about him.. I'm not in love with him but I care about him.. But goodness... The more this goes on the less I want to be around him... Am I the only one or is it just my hormones... All I know is I am at my wits end with this... Does anyone have any advice? I have already brought it up to him and nothing has hanged.. He uses my least favorite words... Taking God's name in vain and also the  pu word.