Just a Rant

Adelle • To get the rainbow you need the storm
Almost everyday I here about how there is 'fat shaming' and how the the skinny girls in magazines are ugly, since they are skinny. 
Umm sorry what? No that's not how that should work. I'm not skinny nor am I fat. 
I hate the judgemental pricks we have in society. Oh no she is skinny she is so fake. No honey she probably has a fast metabolism or has an eating disorder. 
Oh no she's fat, she must eat a lot of maccas. Uh no she could have a slow metabolism or an eating disorder. 
Btw eating disorders aren't just being anorexic or balemic, an eating disorder is when you have unstable eating habits, for example- eating too much or not eating enough. 
To all the people who think that skinny people have it easy... You're deadly wrong, a close friend has trouble putting on weight, she eats more than what people would ever think yet she only weighs barely 50kgs the doctors have been trying to make her come to the hospital. 
And it's the same with fat people, ohh I said said fat! Yup whatever I wish people would get over themselves. Anyway. Fat people have it just as hard, a close friends mother has some sort of medical problem which makes it nearly impossible for her to loose weight. But putting it on is easy. 
Now yes I am not fat nor skinny, but I was both. From the age of 6 until I was 14 I was veryoverweight. From the age of 15 until just before I turned 16 I was underweight. 
Both times was because of an eating disorder. 
I am finally at a somewhat good weight, just under 70kgs I am 17 at the end of this year and I am around 5'8 feet tall. I do not have a flat stomach but I am healthy. 
As long as you are happy within yourself I don't see why you should give a flying fuck of what people say. 
Rant over 🙌🏽