
I'm in my 38th week, 3rd child
I had bloody show yesterday/my mucus plug came out n this morning there was more of it 
Yesterday I was getting pelvic heaviness, pressure n aches n I had some cramps but they weren't intense enough to be contractions n I even had loss of appetite (I would be hungry but wont be able to eat all of my food, this morning I started getting contraction type of cramps but they aren't consistent with the time between them, it varies from 11 mins to longer apart n I'm getting backaches n pelvic aches like crazy, I called a midwife she told me that it sounds like I'm in early labor but not to go in until my contractions are 5 mins apart at least or if my water breaks or the bleeding becomes heavy like a period
So my question is what can I do to help move this along faster because my hubby has to work today n We don't want to go into full blown labor while he's not home 
If u want me to post pics of the bloody show/ mucus plug let me know