Am I being dumb?? 😑

I'm very grateful my SO is great friends with all of my close family, but this really bothered me. I have two sisters who are twins and 11 years old, my SO loves taking them places and having fun with them which is great!! Yesterday we all played laser tag and got lunch, the day before we went to the park and then all came back to our place and played video games all night... It's nice! Here's where I get annoyed though, I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant and have put on 50lbs (I was 100lbs pre pregnancy), and he's over here trying to make plans to go swimming... I told him I don't feel comfortable being in a swimsuit right now for obvious reasons, and he was like "okay we'll do something else", so what does he do? He tells my sister's we're all going swimming this weekend... Come on dude, I feel like a whale and my thighs are full of stretch marks. Plus I can't see my lady parts and haven't took care of this jungle for weeks. Plus my boobs don't even fit in my top anyways. Am I just being stupid? Or is it pretty reasonable for me not to want to go swimming right now? 😑