Bad latch! 😭

Hailey • Mother of 3 amazing children! 👦 03/04/10 👧 04/29/12 👶 01/07/16 ❤️️
I feel so hopeless!
Baby is 5 weeks old and have been having issues with breastfeeding.
The first week was great, no problems, but after that it has been a huge struggle. He won't latch properly, I have tried everything! 3 different kinds of nipple shield, different hold positions, tried pumping and giving a bottle, he can't even latch right on the bottle! He swallows soo much air during a feeding it really upsets me, I try unlatching and relatching literally a dozen times. 
He's been checked for a tongue and lip tie and he doesn't have either, I'm at my wits end, it causes him so much tummy pain. I don't know what to do. 😭😫