Boyfriend problems

Morgan • Firefighter 👩🏻‍🚒🔥 first time mommy 💕 baby Ellison due may 26th 2018 😍
So me and my boyfriend fought all Valentine's Day and that weekend.. And I just wanted one good year but that never happens.. I didn't ask for anything so he didn't buy me anything and I just wanted him to talk to me and he couldn't do that..we both worked I worked 4-8 and he worked night shift so he works 8:30-6 pm to am and he didn't talk to me at all.. So I ended up spending Valentine's Day alone feeling awful cause he couldn't even send me a how are you babe.. And we fought about him always ignoring me and playing video games a lot..  I know guys who want to be with me who would treat me better.. But I love my boyfriend and he won't even talk to me.. And he doesn't even try to be in a relationship with me.. Should I leave even though I love him.. He just doesn't try since he has me should I leave cause we are supposed to move to Arizona together soon and now idk if I should.. Which I've cried so much cause I want this to work but I don't think he does.. Men completely suck I apparently pick the best ones :/