Infrequent sex & BF's foreskin "hurts" afterwards?

Lily • I'm 28, have no children yet but I live with my wonderful partner of 18 months, 2 kitties & a python :)

Hey glowy ladies, I feel quite awkward asking a bunch of strangers this question but here goes nothing! 😊

My bf (33, uncircumcised) & I (28, no kids) both have sex much less frequently than we used to (or would like to) because I have had severe back pain for almost 8 months *sad face* so instead of our usual/norm of twice a week or so, we are lucky to get down to it around once, maybe twice, a fortnight. It's still good & satisfying for us both (if a tiny bit boring as I can't do much outside of just missionary, but we'll take what we can get considering the circumstances 😂).

My question is that for the last few months my bf has complained of pain after sex - he's described it as though his foreskin has tightened up due to the lower frequency of sex (and that obviously when he masturbates he wouldn't pull the foreskin down as much when he's in control of himself), so when we have sex and he thrusts or my muscles squeeze around his penis, it can stretch his foreskin a bit too far past comfortable. He has said that it's because he's "our of practice" and that it didn't use to be an issue when we were having sex more frequently, but I'm just wondering if there's anything I can suggest that might make sex less painful for him or if we should be concerned?

While we do both end up satisfied it's obviously not nice to see or hear your partner is in pain from something that should be an enjoyable activity - he has reassured me it's not something I'm doing or causing, but it still make me feel a bit sad that inadvertently because of my back pain, something as fun as sex now causes him pain. It's a bit of a catch 22 situation as I'm sure once my back pain improves & we can have sex more often this issue should hopefully go away, but in the mean time, even if I'm keen for round 2 a few days later, he is usually still too sore to give it a go, so we're kinda going around in circles! Over to you lovelies 😊