Ladies I need your help! This may be TMI for some, but I really need your opinions...

Cheyenne Nicole

I'm currently 34 weeks 4 days pregnant. Well last night/morning around 5 am I woke up with severe cramps, they weren't contractions, just like constipation cramps. I've always had issues with constipation so I knew I needed to try to poop! Well I also had severe acid reflux, so I grabbed my tums and went to the bathroom. Well I barely made it to the bathroom without shitting myself!!! It's not constipation, it's severe diarrhea!! I'm not having any cramps or acid reflux anymore, but I'm still having diarrhea and it is now almost 1pm. I've heard that diarrhea can be a sign of going into labor? This is my second pregnancy and with my first I never had diarrhea, I never even dilated on my own! So I'm not sure whether I should be worried about going into labor soon or not? I know my little baby girl needs to bake just a little bit longer so I'm getting kinda nervous... I'm not due until March 27th... If any of you ladies can tell me anything about this I'd really appreciate it! Like is it true it's a sign of labor starting soon? Should I make a doctor appointment to be checked out? I go back to my gynecologist on the 26th, and I'm getting an ultrasound and he is gonna start checking my cervix, so should I just wait until then? Any advice would be great!!! Also has anyone went into labor soon after having severe diarrhea???

Thanks in advance ladies!!!