Our first miscarriage.


My husband and I found out yesterday, when I should have been about 6 weeks along, that they couldn't find a uterine pregnancy. By "they", I mean the emergency room doctors. I had started spotting the night before, but thought I was headed in the right direction because it lightened up - until I got to work and the cramps became stronger and I started bleeding red. After a blood draw, pelvic exam, ultrasound, etc., my HCG was at 380 and my progesterone at 30, they found a cyst on my right ovary, and free fluid in my pelvis. They advised of either a missed miscarriage, a possible ectopic, or that I was still too early to see anything. I have another blood draw in the morning, but I'm really not expecting good results as I had even more bleeding since coming home yesterday afternoon.

Ultimately, I feel as though this is the miscarriage they mentioned. That's just my gut feeling. Yesterday was also supposed to be my first appointment with my doctor to confirm everything. I feel so sad and mentally exhausted, however, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.

So ladies, anyone who has been through this or similar situations - I feel for you, and it sucks.

I wish the best of luck to everyone still on their journey to baby! I hope to start trying again soon. :)
