Gotta vent about cheating uncle

So I found out last week that my uncle is cheating on his wife. I am extremely POed about this! He cheated on his ex wife with his current wife. I found out he's had a few affairs in the past and now he's having this one with this stupid ass, pig looking hoe! I can't stand cheaters as it is but he keeps denying he's seeing someone else but he sure ain't trying to hide it when they're out in public in her town! He told his wife he was moving out over a text at work. So pathetic he couldn't even man up and do it in person! But HE MOVED IN WITH THIS HOE!!! Like I really can't stand cheaters because they're not man or woman enough to tell their SO that they aren't happy or want something else. You don't wanna hurt their feelings? How do you think they'll feel when they find out?! Just about everyone in my family knows he's cheating. It's bugging me soooo bad because it's like, you're just gonna up leave your house, leave your wife, daughter and 2 grandsons living with you for a pig ass looking hoe?! My family has already said if he can't man up and work on his marriage or file for divorce and keep this shady shit going on, they're DONE with him. The saying is definitely true, "once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater" if y'all think he cheated with you but won't cheat on you, you're lying to yourself. 
And I swear to God, if he thinks he's bringing this fuckin hoe to my wedding, then he's got another thing coming because his wife has been there since I was born. She will always be my aunt. Always. I'm so livid about this. I just can't believe it's happening again.