Trying to find some balance in my life

Jessica • Married {05-11-13} Mommy to two beautiful little boys Kobie {9-2-13} & Kruz {4-7-16}
I'm not trying to be a Debbie downer here but lately I've just felt so overwhelmed and blah...
I'm 32 weeks with my second little boy. I'm a stay at home mom. I sometimes feel so trapped in this house!! My husband has a wonderful job that allows me to able to stay home and take care of our son and whatnot but I just feel like nothing I do is good enough or right. I started taking my son to a gymnastics class one night a week and some of my friends wanted to bring their kids after my son started going. Well the first night he did great but the next few weeks he was just crazy! Not listening, pestering other kids, ect. It just broke my heart bc I took him to this class thinking it would be some structure for him and he could play with other kids and it was just too overwhelming for him. But what hurt me and my husband the most was other parents rude remarks such as "And you're having another a boy aren't you?...good luck." Or people referring to him as a "bad" kid when that's not at all the case. He's a great kid...he just is TWO! Just makes me feel like I'm failing at my job as a mom and here I am 8 months pregnant and I just want to cry. I KNOW I'm a good mom and I KNOW my kids are great...people just don't see them through my eyes. 
And then my husband... I love him I really do and he's a great provider and a wonderful dad, but he makes me feel like I'm not an equal in our house because I don't bring in an income. He's always critiquing me and asking me "why isn't this done" or "why did you do that" "what have you done all day"... It gets old. Being a stay at home is the most rewarding job and I'm so greatful to be able to do it but it's HARD and my "work" is unappreciated and unnoticed. 
I'm just feeling so lost this time around. When I was pregnant with my first I worked full time and my husband and I had just got married and bought our fist home everything was so exciting and this time it's just so different. And my husband just lost his dad a couple of months ago so it's just like this cloud hangs over him and his family right now. I know when the baby gets here it'll be a huge blessing we all need, but right now I'm really struggling to find balance and be happy! I'm sorry this is so long and if no one reads it that's fine I just needed to get this off my chest and I have no one to vent to.