Panic attack disorder.

I'm so sick and tired of people saying mental health is not a disorder. Yes it is, just like having diabetes, or cancer. Anxiety is real, it's cancer of the soul. It can take a major toll on your life. Everyday someone commits suicide over this. Feeling like they can't handle it anymore. As if there not in control of there mind, body or soul. It's horrible and a horrible feeling. We need more doctors aware of this. Panic attacks aren't fun. I would know I suffer everyday. But I'm remaining to stay strong and find the light at the end of the tunnel. We have doctors for alcoholics, drug addicts. But we need more for mental health. And set awareness. Anxiety is not a game, it's not made up. And it's not something we can turn off. If you suffer with this. Don't hide it talk to someone, vent. Don't be ashamed. It's a disease.