Idk what to do

Yesterday my boyfriend was really stressed he bought a new truck and we drive about 3 hours to get it and he had to drive back in the new truck on a highway with a bunch of cars and he has never drove on a highway like this.. Well we were on way back and he's asking where to go cause I was looking at the gps and telling him where to go his father was fallowing up on the way home and he was paying attention to him and listening to me t the same time and he starts yelling and screaming at me ... He has never screamed at me bwfore like that and it I just start balling my eyes out and don't know what to do so were screaming at each other he's calling em a birch and yelling telling me to tell him where to go and stuff and I told him and he just keeps asking.. Ten when we finally get where we're going it's about like 30 mins later and I'm balli my eyes out still ...this has never happened before and idk what to think about it... Any advice he says he was really streassed cauE he just bout a truck and don't know how good it would be and that he does like the highways cause it is a very BIG truck! I love him so much I need don't know what to think about it.