Baby daddy quit his job & is behind 4 months child support.

He quit his job & doesn't have unemployment or anything, so he's behind on child support payments to me. He asked me to lower it to something he could afford each month but I didn't. He's supposed to pay $303 a month. He wanted me to lower it to around $50. I said no. After a few months of not receiving the full amount, I told him I'd lower it to $50 because something is better than nothing to help me, but he said "fuck it" because I didn't want to help him when he needed it. This week, he's on vacation to Florida with his wife! I asked him how he could even afford to go to Florida, but he just hung up on me. Is that even right? How can he not afford pay child support but can go to Florida?!
Edit: Yeah, my state does enforce child support. They took what he owed out of his income taxes but I haven't gotten it yet. He goes to concerts and events with his wife all the time. I told him I didn't want his stupid wife doing anything for my child, I don't want her buying clothes or anything for my kid. He doesn't have any money since it came out of his income tax so his wife is paying his bills and stuff until he gets a job. But I don't think he should get to go on vacation even if she paid for it!