Anyone on TTW!!

Leanne • Married & pregnant with baby Andrews #4
If anyone is struggling with ttw u can always try doing ovulation tests 7dpo i get mine from £1 shop 5 in a pack this was my opk & pregnancy test with really paint bfp but i sadly miscarried at 6 weeks if u are pregnant u will still get positive opks as it picks up pregnancy hormones aswel as lh iv just took 1 at 22:45pm on my af due date what's not arrived as yet & just a faint line so deffo no bfp for me this month ur opks will be definite positives if u have successfully concieved ladies also viola tests are really good the one i took same day below i baught after the faint positive & pos opk its really faint on the 1st 1 i took the viola are for 8dpo so by 14dpo will be really good pos hope this helps someone xxx