Glow is telling me to test??..

M.E.L • 34🇬🇧Baby #2 due August 2024💕 6 failed IVF attempts, 3 miscarriages 😔🥚 Egg Donor🥰
Glow is telling me to test but I am on CD26 and only 7 days since my LH surge with an ovulation stick. This is too early right? My period is normally due around CD 28-CD30. 
TTC 6 years now, failed <a href="">Ivf</a> attempts, clomid too, tried everything so we've decided to try nothing at all and just "relax"... Easier said than done and I can't help myself so I am still tracking my cycle on here and doing ovulation tests but nothing else that interferes with my husband and I sex life or relationship.
Shall I just wait 2 more days until my AF is due? Or do what glow says?!....