3 weeks 6 days

Linsay • 💜Stick bean!💙
Well this all feels a bit surreal!! I took not one, not two but three tests on Saturday which were all positive. One hospital type one, a first response and finally a clear blue digital.
Can't believe I'm pregnant - very strange saying that!!! I've downloaded about 25 apps already haha! Had to narrow them down and this looks like a lovely app :)
I'm keeping everything crossed that this little bean sticks well! My OH and I weren't planning but we weren't preventing, just going with the flow and seeing what happened.
I'm phoning the doctor this morning to see when my first appointment will be, I'm in the UK and I've had friends wait until week 10, so far away!
Congrats to all the other Nov 16 mummies to be, I hope we all have healthy babies :)