
Please don't judge, really can't be doing with negativity today! But I smoke, I have cut down a lot the past 3weeks, I find it hard, as I turned to fags as help really, last year was a tough year for me, and I just had a hard time keeping calm, and not flipping out. I cut down due to ttc, life has gotten better the past 6months, but I still have the issue of when I don't have a fag all day, I get really snappy, which I don't want, but I've had my positive test today, and got doctors next week, and I really do want to quit, so badly, my partner has upset me today though saying I need to quit(and has been saying so every day the past month and every time I spark up) which gets annoying, as if I'm a kid that needs to be reminded, and today I explained how I'm cutting down first, instead of bang no more fags, and he turned round and said I'm only thinking of myself! Which hurt me loads, I just want some tips on quitting and coping when I feel I need one badly, because I do want to quit.