Told my mom

Five years ago I was in an abusive relationship. He hit me, he raped me, he grabbed me, he pushed me, he bruised me, he impregnanted me, he took away my choice, he took away my safety. And I really I told my mom today. I finally really told her. Not beat around the bush, finally really told her. 
I am a strong person. I am a confident person. I am self assured and self reliant. I run my own company. How did that happen to me?
And when I told her......she told me, "satisically, women who are abused once are more open to abuse again." I abandoned my life because a man finally hit me in the face. I fled across state lines. I left a semester before my degree in petroleum engineering was done. I left my home and my friends. I fought back. I stood up for myself like you taught me. I fought back. I didn't lay down and play victim. I fought back. 
I fought back. I fought back. I fought back. I didn't LET some man abuse me. I got hurt worse because I fought back. I fought back because YOU taught me to stand up for myself. 
Don't tell me I'm going to get abused again, congratulate me for fighting back. I was in a horrible situation, but I did the right thing. I fought for myself.