After 65 days without AF, I went to the Dr. and was prescribed Progesterone. I was on it for 10 days, then waited another 10 for AF to arrive...but she is FINALLY here! Excited to actually be giving this TTC a real shot (I've never had regular periods) with beginning the Clomid in a few days. My husband and I have been together 8 years, married for 2 of them, and really are starting to have our life in order (great jobs, own a house, new vehicles, etc...) and this is the one thing that really feels like it is missing from our lives. I'm excited for this journey, but also nervous that I will get my hopes up. Watching everyone around me conceive has been hard (although I am genuinely happy for them) and my hopes are that we will get to experience the joy of pregnancy soon, too. I don't really ever post on here, but I figured it would be a good place to share where I am at right now with people who are in the same place as me. Love and baby dust to all!!