Once more, with feeling

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

Lately, some community members have taken it upon themselves to debate who exactly can and cannot use Glow's apps.

This seems like a rather silly debate, since there is a factual answer:  

If you are a person, thirteen or older, who agrees to Glow's terms of service - you are welcome to use our apps and our community. 

There is one teeny-tiny exception:

If you are a close-minded and hateful person, then we kindly ask you please go find yourself another community. We hear that reddit is always fun. The comments section of Youtube is good for a few laughs. The Bump has some great discussions happening right now. Seriously, anywhere but here. 

Thank you. Not back to our regularly scheduled programming. 

PS. YES! I do love Buffy!