What to do....

Wow, I haven't really realized how much I have change in a years time. In May 2015 my mother talked me into trying a dating site. Basically, she was worried I would never find anyone because I was 25 years old virgin with no plans on having a SO. So reluctantly I joined christain mingle. In June 2015 I met my now BF and have been dating ever since. He has a 3 yr old son, I totally accepted him as my own from day one. Everything is great but bumps in the road occur of course, just like all relationships. I waited for two months, praying and debating, for sex. We did. At the beginning he said he was divorced but slipped up one day and said he was married still. I met her, she's completely bipolar, but that's another story. So anywho, at the start of any relationship you talk about what you want out of life. You know, want any kids, marriage, that stuff.... In June 2015 he wanted more kids and to get married again. In August 2015 both him and his wife said they were gonna get a divorce at tax time. In January 2016 he said we would get married in 2017. Taxes came in and they said a divorce will not happen anytime soon. Last week he said he didn't want anymore kids. Yesterday he said we wouldn't get married for another 12 years. I'm going to be talking to him today, so any advice?