Slob boyfriend!?

My boyfriend is a disgusting slob and I don't know how to deal with it. We don't live together, YET. We're looking for a place together and know we'll get married some day but I just can't imagine living in the mess his house is. I'm pretty clean but not ocd clean and he uses clean t shirts for tissues (literally just happened), and to wipe up anything that spills. 
When I'm here, I can ask him to help me clean but he's helpless without me here. There's never a clean towel for me on weekends to shower, the dishes pile up for weeks. I can get him to help me with about 1 thing then he starts getting distracted and annoyed that I'm making him clean. He knows that it disgusts me and I've made a very simple cleaning schedule for him that he can't even follow. 
He's GREAT with work and anything he wants to do but I cannot get him to clean! What do I do? Has anyone dated someone like this and did it get better when you moved in together? I feel like it might since I'll be here all the time to guide him... Help!