My child....

Paige's getting closer and closer to March 14. On that day almost 2 years ago, my oldest daughter, who turned 10 months old that day, passed away. I hate that the day is getting closer cause I know I'm going to be so upset. Also on that day, my youngest baby turned 1 month old. Sometimes when I look at my youngest, I see my other daughter. I just feel myself already slowly breaking down. I have no one to talk to that understands. I keep picturing holding her that day....looking at her, I was crying but holding on tight....then I knew it was happening and so I just hugged her and cried. I miss my baby girl sooo much!!! It's not fair and I still just don't understand why!! I hate not having her with me an her sister. 😞😢and it makes me feel worse cause I'm still workin to pay off her tombstone. It makes me feel like a bad mom cause I haven't paid it off yet. But I got so depressed for a while and didn't work, didn't go anywhere, didn't do anything! And the place she is at has to have certain type of markers. Ugh....I hate this!  sorry for the long post...I just have no one else to vent to about it.