Sad... not sure how to feel.

Posted pic of PositiveT on the third of Feb. Went to the Doctor got a clear positive.... the weekend after the appt. I bleed for five days with clots.... went to the ER they treated me asif they couldnt be truly honest.... 'well its tooo early to say... your levels are too low... we see no sac.... follow up with your doctor and get your test re-read...' My Doctor is treating me like I'm loosing this child... because they forget to call me back and go over the blood test with me.... WOW... soooo all weekend I've been google CRAZY..... so I think my harmone level has began to go away... I took a test and it was light... and no more bleeding. I just need some encouraging words... after 2 years of trying we thought this was our time but hey.....I keep saying in my head in due time!