He's finally here!

Tara • 02.22.16 ZJLA Baby #2 is on his way!!!!
And I finally have the energy to post! Lol 
2/21 had contractions start around 12pm but they weren't very frequent. So I purposely went shopping to walk around. Later that night, I did a lot squats and danced around. 
2/22 woke up around 3am with heavy menstrual like cramps. Went to the bathroom and had the bloody show. Took about 3 wipes to clean up so decided to go to the hospital. 
4am - checked into hospital. I was 3cm and having a lot contractions they said. They were about 1-3min apart by the time I got there. I had a lot nurses due to the night shift/it's a training hospital. So many fingers up my vagina.. I lost count after 6.. It sucked! 
3hrs later I got an epidural which was magical but made me very sleepy. They had me hooked up pitocin, but I wasn't progressing very well. They discovered baby was head up. They had me do all these crazy positions to get him to flip. Eventually he did. But at the same time it cause babies heart rate to drop. They needed to put me on oxygen. So then it made me have an anxiety attack.
2pm - it was time to push. They tried assisting me with pushing on body parts/rectum. But couldn't get baby past my pelvis. And my contractions were stopping and not reading on the machine. Eventually my dr said I need to make a decision. To use forceps/vaccum or do a csec. Because he said they baby could end up further stuck in my pelvis if he did forceps/vaccum, I chose csection. 
It was insane. People came out of nowhere. They removed the epidural so i felt an intense amount of pain. My husband was crying because he thought I was dying. I thought I was dying. But in the end. We are both alive and healthy. And now we're home and I am so thankful. None of this is how I imagined labor would go, nor was it anything we were trained on during labor classes. It was intense. But I am so in love with this little guy. I can't get enough of him.