Pregnant but feeling alone.

Helen • I am 30 yrs old. Been with my partner 5yrs. He is a guitar teacher and I am a home carer. Bought our first house last year. Now have our first child. A son named Harvey born 27/10/3016
Found out I am pregnant after me and my partner have been trying for 7 months. I am over the moon but I feel so unsure of what's to happen. I tried booking an appointment with my doctor but was told I can not see anyone till my 8 week appointment with the midwife. Is this normal? This is my first pregnancy so apart from Google we don't know where to turn for advice on my do's and dont's. We will be breaking the news to our parents next Sunday when we take them out but I am freaking out that I am doing something wrong and could be harming the baby. I don't drink/smoke/do drugs and I have cut out caffeine (mostly) but is there anything else I should or shouldn't be doing?