3months to go. What to do?

I have 14 weeks left. This whole pregnancy has gone by sooooooo slow for me. Even with a lot going on around me. Maybe it's because I'm just too excited and want him to be here already! I have a few things bought for my little one, but no major things other than a car seat/stroller my friends got for me. I've painted his room but it's still got junk everywhere (it was a spare room for whatever). I need help getting things out of there it's mostly furniture and heavy totes. My mom/sister live two hours away. Husband works all the time. Friends live far away. I'm getting stressed out about it all. I need to shop and get the house ready for baby. And one month is dedicated to baby showers and photo shoots and things like that. It still feels like I have a lot of time so I have moments when I'm like ahhh F it, I have time. Then I think about how big I'll be soon and less mobile. Tell me, what do you all have on your checklist to do the last two-three months? Do you have help? Please tell me I'm not the only one who's blown off everything til now!