Dr pushing Pitocin....

There's no reason he is, the baby is fine and not stressed out or over due. He argued with me about it for 15 god damn minutes today. All I said was I'd be open for a membrane sweep and a manual water break but that I didn't want any drugs in my system and then he was like "oh well I already put it in your chart" so I said "well I'm refusing it. I'll only do natural "inductions" until it's a very very very last resort." Then he launches into "well what if it was to save your baby's life" so I said "well ugh at that point if it's life or death I doubt she'd survive the contractions and it would need to be an immediate C-section......" I'm beyond frustrated right now. He then tried to say "Oh there's barely any side effects of it and almost all women who want to go without an epidural still do if they get it." I call BS everyone I know whose had multiple births when they had 1 with Pitocin ended up with an epidural because it made it way more painful. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!