Ladies any help or opinions?


Okay so my hubby and I have been ttc baby #2 as our son will be 1 here soon. If I'm correct and the day you ovulate is the day you are most likely to get pregnant.. Then that means it was February 14th- so I am 15 dpo today. Last Wednesday I woke up & had cramping but it was literally like not even 30 minutes of cramping and then gone. I was sad all day because I thought "oh great af is gonna show", but so far nothing!! Last night I had a huge craving for an old fashioned donut. Weird I know. Then this morning I was laying in bed with my son and TMI .........

my boobs were leaking. Like they did towards the end of pregnancy the first time. I don't want to get excited and get my hopes crushed but last time I was pregnant I didn't have symptoms and didn't even know I was pregnant until I went to take my annual and failed the urine test. Any thoughts?! What kind of early symptoms did you have!? Please anything is helpful. Thank you all❤