Yes or no to baby shower

This is my second pregnancy. However, my daughter will be 4 when the baby arrives. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on a baby shower. I did have one the first time around and I did save all her clothes and a lot of bigger items ( exersaucer, stroller, high chair, bumbo, bedding, diaper bag, and I did buy a new car seat and crib already). But this time around we struggled with infertility for 24 months and not only did we rack up huge medical bills for that because insurance didn't pay for anything, but we also found out this will most definitely be our last baby because my egg reserve is nonexistent and we just can't afford fertility treatments again after this. So, I'm wondering if it would be appropriate to have another shower. I really want to to celebrate our last baby, especially after all we have been through, but I don't want to be tacky. What do you ladies think?