Your baby isn't a weapon

I absolutely hate seeing mother's posts about how their husbands or SOs did them wrong so they're keeping the baby from them. It's not fair to your child to deprive them of their other half just because you have a vendetta against them. There are so many dads out there that would love to be a part of their child's lives but the spiteful ex won't let them and there are tons of women out there that simply wish for the dads to make the slightest bit of effort. My daughters dad has been nearly non existent for the last 8 years but I still won't deny HER the option to see him when he decides to show his face once or twice a year. Think about ALL of the people involved because in the long run it'll end up hurting your child as well. I can understand if it wasn't a safe environment and your ex was abusive but if you got cheated on then handle it like an adult not a vindictive teenager because it's not just about you anymore. Just because he doesn't love you doesn't mean he can't be the best dad for his children. Yes, you're the one carrying the baby, yes you're the one going through all the crazy changes but you didn't make it alone and dads have rights too.