Please Read.

Miranda • I'm 19, Married, Mommy To A Handsome Baby Boy, & Attending College

This is kind of long but please read.

-I was diagnosed with both anxiety and depression after I had my son in August, I've been taking medicine ever since. I am only 18 and living with my fiancé and our baby along with his mother and her "boyfriend". His mother and her boyfriend make me feel so nervous and upset just being around them it's unreal. Ever since I've had my baby she is over bearing and literally tries to take the mom role from me. It's making me feel like I'm not good enough to be a mother. She even knows I've been diagnosed with both and she was even diagnosed too (about 10 or 11 year ago). I feel like I can't talk to her about it without upsetting her. I don't know what to do.

*I'm sorry if this made no sense, I'm very emotional/scatterbrained right now....