IVF journey 2

The time is almost here. My wife and I finally got the call from our RE office and at 9:50 am tomorrow morning we will be doing our embryo transfer. We did the retrieval in October and cryopreserved our embryos and are now at the point where we are going to do the transfer. In October we lost 8 embryos trying to take them to blast at day 5 so the others we froze. The nurse called and told use when to be there and what steps to take in the morning and we should be so excited because this is supposed to one of the happiest moments in our life and then she told us they will let us know by 7 am if any of our embryos are viable to transfer and frankly that wait is scary as hell. Just needed to vent and ask for prayers from any moms/dads that have gone through this procedure.
Thank you!