A letter to my housemate - whom is also my uncle...


Note: this was a year and 6m ago 3 months later me and my housemates kicked him out :) 

He's still my uncle (mum's brother) and we remained friends even when his girlfriend (my stepdads bro's ex wife from several years ago) tried to say that I had no mind of my own and that my house mates has corrupted my good nature ... Erm no bitch this letter proves that I had my own mind as this is what had caused me to talk to one of my housemates about how bad it had gotten. Anyway all I'm gonna say is sometimes tough love keeps everyone friends eventually. I posted this as its something that once empowered me and made me realise that even though he never received it it was cathartic and I needed to know my own mind X 

A letter to my housemate - whom is also my uncle. ..

Last night I disliked how you came to my room drunk expecting money, I believe if you had heard that anyone else had done this to me; you would have told me to stand up to them, so here it goes: 

At the time I believed I had 15 pound to my name until student finance paid me which you know could be Monday or in a matter of weeks, as you yourself are also a student. 

The audacity that you then showed calling me out on a 20pound note I did not know I had (which you only discovered due to already needing to borrow 10 pound off me earlier that day while I was out and if it wasn’t for my boyfriend, you would have probably taken 20 then if he had not changed it). The discovery of this extra money made me feel guilty ( which i suppose was your drunken intent). 

I then gave you 10 pound out of my purse to placate you (and your friend who was hovering loudly downstairs and annoying the cat) - At this point I believe you may have forgotten that would have been 20 pound that you had already taken from me in one day, you then tried to coerce me in to giving you another ten pounds!

Even though you know we are in the same financial situation. I would ask in the future that this does not happen again, and that you pay me back in full and when possible pay up all rent and bills to the affected parties, before you blow your money going out to freshers events, so that you can budget accordingly for the future term. 

All in all I was more insulted that you asked me for money in such an outrageous and insulting manner, you would never ask another housemate so brashly, except you did so as I was your niece. You have used the fact that I am your niece to your own advantage too many times, for example I felt obligated to refuse my rent one term until the next so you could pay others in full this was unacceptable I see now as you see me as a pushover. 

While at the same time constantly threatening to move out due to small grievances of which your petty attitude was not helping.I would also like to make sure you realise that over the summer with your lack of consistency with rent and bills it has shown that we are financially not reliant on your income, and once more that we are in fact the ones doing you the favor - with the reduced rent we expect. 

You have made the last year occasionally unbearable due to your attitude and lack of financial control. which lead to placing me in to the middle of arguments between you and other housemates, even though you know that makes me uncomfortable.

I hope that this letter will allow us to fix any communication points for the future year to come if you wish to remain and solve all monetary issues you have within the household. 

signed your Niece - who is not a bank.