Are things over?

I'm going to try to make this short - as well as put enough details to make the story more answerable. 
Only posting anonymous so I don't get judged. 
My boyfriend and I (21, 26 years old) have been arguing A LOT. Every day.. For like two months. There are many reasons why. I get irritated so easily with him and expect so much out of him. When I cry, I want him to hold me. He won't. He's not that type of person. He just sits there. And watches me. Or doesn't watch me, and just watches tv and pretends I'm not crying. I'm sure he ignores it because I'm a huge cry baby and I cry over everything lol. 
So for the passed almost week, he hasn't really tried getting ahold of me (broke his phone but does have a house phone). He hasn't wanted to hangout. He never calls me back when he says he will. I'm almost sure I've pushed him away because of my constant complaining about everything. He feels as if he does nothing right (he does a lot right. But is also sometimes rude/mean to me). I don't know what to do. Not talk to him for a couple days? Let him go? 
Please no rude comments. I'm already struggling. Thanks in advance ladies.