Over it today! (Sorry need to vent)


Why do people assume that you only invited them to a shower because you expect something from them? I never ask my family or friends for anything. All that I want is for everyone to get together and have a good time and visit with family and friends.

My grandmother on my mom's side tell me today that she isn't coming and when I asked her why she immediately says don't worry I'll send her something... I told her I don't care about gifts or any of that but it would be nice to have her there. She shrugged it off and proceeds to tell me my aunt won't be there either. Ever since my mom passed I feel like no matter what I do I don't matter to her side of the family. Both my mom's brother and sister didn't show up to our wedding and now the string continues... I'm already feeling pretty crappy that I have to throw my own shower to begin with because all my friends want to attend but not a one volunteered to even help with it. I know I'm really hormonal and emotional and probably making too big a deal out of it but I'm just over it today to the point I'm ready to cancel the shower all together!