Awful anatomy scan experience😥

Sawyer • They call me mama
We were super excited to find out the gender because our dr couldn't tell at 16w but told us they would for sure be able to at the anatomy scan. We show up to this run down over crowded building and when they call me in, they wouldn't let my husband in! That was the first bad sign. Then this super young tech took me to a dark and tiny room playing staticky country music, where she didn't say one word to me for 40mins! She also had the monitor facing where I couldn't see it! She agreed to let Josh in when it came time for the gender, which was nice. When the time came we were so excited! Josh was video taping it and the tech sternly told him to put it away (even though it's his child)! Then when we asked what it was she said "ugh, I don't know...I think a girl" we waited for her to keep checking and then just said we were done. We asked what percentage she was sure and she said, "ughhhh...75?" 😥 I was so disappointed! I just wanted it to be a fun and good experience but it ended up not that way. I just wanted someone to say "congratulations! You are having a beautiful baby girl!" Not a half ass answer. She didn't even print out pics! I'm pretty confident it's a girl...I saw the 3 lines! I'm just unsatisfied with the experienceÂ