I feel so alone.

Alexandra • Hi💛 I am a proud SAHM of two beautiful little girls ages 7 and 6 and a beautiful 6 month old baby boy ☺💛. Love the community here!

😰...my husband seems to expect me to be calm and mostly over our miscarriage already...I am still cramping and bleeding. He is upset that I am not in a chatty mood when he called me from work on his lunch break..😠 ...

He also mentioned returning the crib....which means he doesn't think we should try again for a long time....it is too soon, first of, to be talking about returning the crib. And it is too soon to decide when we want to start trying again. And he is already asking me to get my baby sitter to sit our girls so we can go out Saturday night...and asking what is for dinner.....😡. I have to babysit a 1 year old today in a few hours and I have our 4 year old at home....I am having a hard time just thinking of getting up and doing dishes and putting away laundry and picking up the house for the 1 year old...😢. I am so sad over sooo many other things....buying different clothes for the summer😢 which we no longer have money for..because I bought pregnancy clothes for the summer already (we have money but it is budgeted for our house down payment savings account).....I feel aimless....like I am just floating around without direction....he wants to wait until we buy a house now...which makes sense...but if You knew us You would know that it probably won't happen for at least 3 years...(and if I use shopping as feel good therapy then it will take us even longer) .I can't stand him right now. I don't know how to deal.....I just want him to shut up and stay away for a while. He is so clueless..and when I try to explain to him my feelings he rolls his eyes like I am being exaggerated...... He is usually really sweet and supportive and I know he is dealing with his emotions too...idk What his problem is. Once in a while He will say something that sounds like he is trying to be understanding but it sounds so fake and then it is followed by some other comment that makes me feel like he is trying to rush me through this miscarriage.....I just started cramping 2 days ago and they are at their worst today! What the fuck!!! .....I am angry.....He needs to watch his mouth and just stay at away.😭