Day 37....

My cycle was always pretty standard, 29-32 days with about 5 days af, mild cramps for a day or 2 & sore boobs from the week before. Having had a mc at 10wks last July I had one "normal" cycle right away then all over the place since. CDs are gradually coming back down longest being 59 days. Hard to pin point with glow my fertile window as it's averaging out my longer cycles so I'm relying on opks & cm. Currently on cd37 glow predicts af in 2 days time, have none of my usual af signs yet. Had the darkest opk around cd19, LOTS of ewcm then some with slight blood streak. Lots of sex throughout the month, then cd32 some blood streaked cm when I checked & occasionally when I wiped. None for 2 days then darkish brown cm for the last 2 days on & off again only when I wipe. Boobs are swollen but not sore, very tired & dizzy spells late afternoon for the last few days. I know I just need to take a friggin test to put me out my misery haha! Just spilling my thoughts on here before I head to work, I have sooo many clients who are either pregnant or just had beautiful babies! but I will wait until the weekend to test! Thanks for listening 😊