Alot of cheating posts lately

Okay so normally i am the one to be like respect yourself and leave. And at the same time i am still thinking that way . Weither you guys have kids , been married for years and years and years, no matter what , no man (or women i dont want to be sexist) deserve to be cheated on. Every single one of you ladies deserve more then when your treated like dirt , or put to the curb, or when your called rude names , or when you get cheated on, hit , verbally abused, mentally abused, emotionally abused. I swear if you know what you are worth and realize there is someone out there waiting to sweep you off your feet and treat you like a queen then your whole view will change. No one and i mean NO ONE, deserves to be put down by anyone . No one is perfect. If you dont give him/her sex , thats not a reason to cheat. If you don't like each other anymore , still not a reason to cheat. If you believe you are ugly/fat/too skinny/short/tall whatever Thats NOT a reason to cheat . Don't put excuses as to why that person had cheated . Why that person has hurt you in whatever way. You don't need a man, and when you realize you don't need a man you will soon learn to be happy without one. You will learn to respect and care for yourself in ways that is much more then going shopping for a pair of jeans or something. I want to make it clear , that you are WORTH IT. And you DONT have to stay with a man who won't realize you are until the last minute.