I'm sick of having PCOS

Kristen • Married with PCOS & ttc baby #1.

My period is 6 days late. I've taken a few pregnancy tests & they've all come back negative. I thought the last one had a super faint line, but honestly, I think I wanted it so badly I was just imagining it. - My husband hasn't said or done anything to make me feel this way, but I feel like I'm letting him down. My doctor told me in February if I wasn't pregnant by June to make another appointment & she would put me on Clomid. I'm not patient at all though, so the wait is killing me. I'm sick of the horrible acne from PCOS, I'm sick of eating healthy (when I don't even like healthy food) & still not losing any weight. I'm sick of doubling over in pain from these cysts rupturing. I'm just seriously annoyed & over it.

Sorry for the rant. I just can't hold it in any longer. I want to be pregnant. I want a baby. I want to start a family :(